Tag Archives: Lake Trasimeno

Garden of Poetry, Dreaming of Trasimeno

Imagine a hot summers day on the shore of Trasimeno Lake in Umbria.

You´re lying on a warm rock watching the sunlit waters.

There is almost no wind even the waves hardly make a sound.

Your eyes are closed but in spite of this you see reflections of light, blue, red, golden…beautiful. You are as relaxed as can be.

Garden of Poetry, Wolfgang Sandt, Dreaming of Trasimeno

Garden of Poetry, Dreaming of Trasimeno

I travelled
In a boat
Created by the waters
Of the lake itself.
Around me
I immersed myself
In that sweet abyss
Waking up
A breath
Of sadness


After a while you wake up and realise you had fallen asleep.

All you saw was just a dream…





Lake Trasimeno, Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj´s source of inspiration

Guido Pompilj had a large terrace with a wide view over the lake constructed for his wife, Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj.

That terrace on the third floor of Villa Aganoor Pompilj became one of her favourite places and it is reported that it was here, where she wrote most of her poems, Lake Trasimeno being her infinite source of inspiration.

Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj´s view over Lake Trasimeno

The view over the rooftops of Monte del Lago and Lake Trasimeno has almost remained unchanged since it was a source of inspiration for Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj.

Imagine sitting here, trying to find words for the permanently changing hues of light in the air on the lake, the islands and the distant mountains, Monte Bettona and Monte Amiata.

Try to describe the movement of the restless waters, the storm-tossed waves or the ripples caused by a gentle breeze…

Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj´s terrace still exists and enjoying the view over the lake from here you will easily understand, why she was inspired so much from its beauty.