Tag Archives: art work

About the things that inspire my art work

I am asked fairly often what inspires me to create my sculptures.

Wolfgang Sandt, sculptor, My desire is to transform the seemingly solid material stone in something ethereal

My desire is to transform the seemingly solid material stone (here you see the detail of a marble sculpture) in something ethereal


A question most probably every artist is familiar with.

Well, when it comes to my translucent sculptures the answer is easy. I am inspired by the sky, the clouds, by water in all its shapes, as well as by fire.

I am fascinated by the movement, the permanent change, the things that escape your grip.

I realise, that in some way it may seem a parodox trying to capture all this rigidly in solid stone..

My intention however is contrary. I don´t want to press the sky or the water into a rigid form.

Rather I desire to transform the seemingly solid substance stone into something moving, changing, ethereal…

Of course I know this is not really possible, but I try to come as near as possible to the “unreachable star”.